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martes, 18 de enero de 2011

The University of Córdoba (UCO) will hold the International Conference on Industrial Engineering and other Applications of Appl

Principal auditorium at Campus de Rabanales, University of Córdoba.

UCO will hold on June 2010 the "23rd International Conference on Industrial, Engineering and Other Applications of Applied Intelligent Systems". This conference will be devoted to the presentation and analysis of new advances in the Industrial, Engineering or in any other fields related to Intelligent Systems and Knowledge Engineering.

This congress, organized both by the Research Group on Computational Intelligence and Bioinformatics (University of Cordoba, http://www.cibrg.org/) and the International Society of Applied Intelligence (ISAI), will gather world-renown researchers. It is also the first time that UCO holds a relevant highly-ranked congress on Artificial Intelligence.

Apart from specialized sessions, there will be plenary sessions in which the last advancements will be presented in areas such as Biocomputer Technology, the new paradigms in Bioinspired Computing, Forensic Science applications and the new challenges arising from the enormous quantity of information available nowadays.

For further information: http://www.iea-aie2010.org/

Click here for Call for papers

Fuente: Universidad de Córdoba (UCO).

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